How to Configure Magento 2 Price Scope

Magento 2 is the global platform for e-business and price placement fo this needs to be the most important thing. With this platform's help, you can easily set up the different prices for the same product without any extra hassle. But before getting into the real method of Magento 2 Price Scope, specific definition regarding Magento 2 such as allowed currency, base currency, etc. need to be precise. If not, keep reading this article to know how to configure the Magento 2 price scope.

But before going in-depth of Magento 2 price scope, we need first to understand why a store owner wants to set the different prices of the various products? The answer is unknown, but straightforward. The product price depends on multiple factors, such as shipping cost, product demand based on location, the market price of the product and much more.

Read full article here:- How to Configure Magento 2 Price Scope


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